The Guardians of the Galaxy saga consists of a series of action-packed sci-fi adventure films set within the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Centered around a group of unlikely heroes, these films follow the antics of Peter Quill, also known as Star-Lord, a half-human, half-alien outlaw who unites with a motley crew of misfits. This team includes: Gamora, an alien assassin; Drax the Destroyer, a vengeful warrior; Rocket Raccoon, a genetically engineered raccoon with a penchant for firearms; and Groot, a sentient tree-like creature with limited vocabulary. Their team also includes Nebula, the adopted sister of Gamora; Ravager leader Yondu, Peter's adoptive father; and innocent empath Mantis.
Together, the Guardians of the Galaxy face a variety of cosmic threats, forming an unbreakable bond along the way. All three cinematic enstallments of the series were directed by James Gunn. These movies are known for their humor, colorful visuals, and memorable soundtrack featuring classic rock and pop hits.
Shop here for souvenirs, apparel, and other swag inspired by the Guardians of the Galaxy!
Add some life-sized whimsy to your home decor with a photorealistic cardboard stand-up of your favorite Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy superhero (or super villain). Stand these up in your office, man-cave, bedroom, den, or media room. These standups are self-supporting so they can stand in the middle...